Have A Clutter-Free Nursery with These Organization Tips!

Have A Clutter-Free Nursery with These Organization Tips!

We all want a clutter-free and organized space, especially in our baby’s room. But when we look at the current state of our nursery, sometimes it’s a wonder how our baby’s things–books, clothes, toys– have accumulated and consumed most of the space in such a short time. 

Decluttering is definitely a must, but with everything that we’re juggling on a daily basis, whether it be attending to our babies, balancing costs of groceries, working, etc.—maintaining a clutter-free nursery requires energy and time. Decluttering can literally be intimidating. 

Let’s save you time and frustration. Today we’re here to share with you organization tips that may help you in decluttering and making a habit of putting everything in its designated place. 

The first thing we need to do is to create designated areas/zones for different purposes. Doing so helps prime your mind in efficiently taking care of baby’s needs.


Set Up a Safe Sleeping Area for Baby 

One of the areas where your little ones will spend most of their time would be in their cribs, especially in their early days. Create an optimal sleep environment by keeping all toys, pillows, bumpers, and stuffed animals out of the baby's bed. If you want your baby to have quality deep sleep, it’s recommended to use a crib or a bassinet on a rocking stand. Just make sure to keep this zone away from windows for safety hazard considerations. 


Arrange a Diaper Changing Station 

A well-organized diaper changing station can make diaper changing fun. Having a dedicated changing basket on top of a dresser/drawer/changing table is the most important element of this setup. Make sure to use changing pads with soft cotton covers made of 100% baby-safe materials. This way, your babies won’t get rashes, and whenever you get poop on the pad, it will be easy to pull off and throw in the laundry. Speaking of laundry, it’s also very handy to keep a hamper nearby. 


Keep your diapers, wipes, baby creams, and burp clothes in place by using an organizer. This wooden caddy diaper organizer is a perfect addition to this zone in the nursery because it perfectly fits into any theme. 

Organize a Nursing Nook or Feeding Area 

Consider this space yours. Efficiently feeding your baby requires comfort both for you and your little ones. Make the setup functional by setting up a comfortable nursing chair, a foot stool, side table, nursing pillows, and even a basket to store your swaddles and blankets. 

A Play Area Would Make Everything More Fun! 

Toys can consume a lot of your nursery room’s space. Keeping toys in one basket sure is efficient, but it would also be more fun if your baby had a safe space to crawl into and discover new toys. Add baskets and bassinets to make cleaning up after playtime easy peasy. 

Keep Your Nursery Dressers Organized

Don’t let your baby’s dresser get overstuffed! We know… When we’re in a hurry, rummaging through the drawers to find onesies or jumpsuits can lead to clothes getting messy, and us thinking that we’ll fix it up later. Until we wouldn’t be able to find time for that later on. But guess what? Grouping your baby’s clothes by category and using drawer dividers is an efficient way to avoid constantly ruining folded clothes. Labeling the drawers is also a great way to know where to find which. 


Declutter and Maximize Your Baby Closet 

It’s important to evaluate the space in your nursery and figure out what baby clothes you are going to keep, which ones have been outgrown, and which items you want to save for a future sibling or relatives/friends’ babies, perhaps. You can start by taking everything out and Mari Kondo-ing every item. No kidding. Does it still spark joy? 


Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to maximize. Utilize hanging organizers, wall shelving, storage boxes and shelf dividers! 

Putting together an organization system is the best way in making an efficient, clutter-free nursery. If you’re thinking about organizing your baby’s room, make sure to dedicate more or less a whole day because it will require time and energy, not to mention it’s relaxing for the mind. Trust us. The perks of having an organized baby room is that it’s easier for you to maintain pleasant surroundings. 

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