7 Brilliant Ways to Repurpose Baby Stuff

7 Brilliant Ways to Repurpose Baby Stuff

Whether we like it or not, babies grow fast. The good thing is we can always find ways to repurpose their stuff when our little one is not so little anymore. When no one in your circle can use your baby’s stuffs as a hand me down, here are some brilliant ways to repurpose or up-cycle baby items.

  1. Turn baby clothes into a teddy bear

You can make a teddy bear from onesies of your little one. I’m sure you baby is gonna adore his/her own teddy bear made from clothes they once wore when they were baby. You can use the cotton filling from the baby pillows they once used.

  1. Make a basket out of baby blankets

Baby blankets can be used as wash cloths, wall arts, etc, but you can also create a basket out of it! At Ecoade, we always encourage everyone to repurpose their baby blankets.

For detailed instruction on making your own basket from baby blankets, you can visit this site.

  1. Use baby baskets or caddies as clothes organizer/hamper

The good thing about baskets or caddies, or even a wiper container is that it can always be turned into organizers. Reduce clutter in your house by using these baskets into toys, clothes or display organizers. It will help kids know that should organize their things if you label the containers or organizers.

  1. From crib to desk

A crib can be up-cycled in many ways depending on the style of your crib, but one of the most popular ideas to repurpose your crib is to turn it into a desk

  1. Create a wall art from baby clothing

Instead of throwing away those tiny and adorable clothes, you can create a nice meaningful art. When your kids are grown up, you can reminisce the days when they were babies by just looking at your wall art. See below photos for some ideas.

  1. A tote bag from shirts

Creating a tote bag from baby clothes? Not a bad idea! You can use the bag when you go to the market or to the grocery. This way, you avoid using plastics for your shopping.

  1. Turn baby food jars, canisters into plant pots

Plants are in the trend! Many have turned to planting or collecting plants when the COVID-19 started. Plants are therapeutic, that’s why. Don’t throw away those baby jar foods or canister or formula cans, it’s time you grow some plants. You can even paint the jars to suit your artistic sense.

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