Is Muslin Blanket Safe for your Baby?

Is Muslin Blanket Safe for your Baby?

As parents, we would think twice before buying products especially if it’s for our precious little one.

We want the best when it comes to our babies. We would try to find answers if a material or a product is safe for them. So is muslin blanket safe for your baby? Simply read on to discover more about uses of muslin blankets.

Muslin blanket as the best choice for babies up to 12 months

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents or guardians have to keep away soft objects and loose bedding around the baby’s sleeping area for up to 12 months.

Muslin blanket will do the job for protecting your baby because it’s usually made of 100% muslin cotton that makes it lightweight and breathable.

Instead of thick or weighted blankets, it is safer to get a muslin blanket that can be breathed through by your baby.  

Using Muslin blanket as cover around the crib

With its soft and breathable features, muslin blankets can be used to cover the sides of the crib. Adorning cribs with other sweet baby bedding like a pillow, toys,baby's or baby comforter would pose danger to your baby so it's best to keep this away from the crib.With its soft and breathable features, muslin blankets can be used to cover the sides of the crib. Adorning cribs with other sweet baby bedding like a pillow, toys,baby's or baby comforter would pose danger to your baby so it's best to keep this away from the crib.

As a baby stroller cover or nursing cover

Use the muslin blanket as a baby stroller cover to protect them from harsh sun and wind. And mums can use it while they are nursing their babies. It still gives them a lot of room to breath

Safe as a playtime cover

When your baby starts rolling around, it’s a great idea to use a muslin blanket to cover his/her play area. It’s gentle on your babies skin.

Before you go. Yes, muslin blanket is safe for your baby whether he/she is sleeping, rolling around or when you bring him/her out for a stroll.

When your baby is old enough and won’t be needing his/her muslin swaddle blanket, make sure to repurpose them into kitchen washcloth or maybe an artwork!

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